I think I really really love the CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife) that works with my OB. Wow. She totally impressed me today with the amount of time she spent with me.
First the nurse just took my weight and blood pressure. The nurse didn't pre-interview me at all. You mean I don't have to tell my story twice? Nice.
Donna (CNM)came in and was very pleasant and asked how I was doing. She mentioned that it had been a long time since she'd seen me and acted very glad that I was back. She started paging through my chart, taking the time to completely read the letter of transfer of care from my RE. She asked if I was still on the progesterone suppositories. Donna paged back several years in my chart. She asked me how many ultrasounds that I'd had. With this pregnancy just 4 at that time. She's like no, how many over all? I told her too many of just my ovaries before I got pregnant!
She told me that I wouldn't need the GBS culture during this pregnancy because I'd tested positive for it at a urine screen last year. First I ever heard of it. Now I have a feeling that's something that would have been normally over looked and later I would have been swabbed in places that I'd rather not.
She found the heart beat on the doppler and let me listen to it for a minute. She said there's something wonderful about hearing that sound for the first time. I have to agree!
She answered all my questions and listened to my concerns. She explained my next several appointments with the perinatal specialists and told me what to make sure I got scheduled for. Donna told me it was time to stop my progesterone supplements. That's a big step! No more security blanket.
When she was finished, she made the copy of my prescription herself so I didn't have to wait in line at the front desk check out. She told me that she was very happy that this pregnancy was working out for me. I could tell that it was a very genuine sentiment. Love her!
So now the decision. OB or CNM?
I've always tried to go out of my way to schedule all my appointments with the OB. I have a lot of confidence in him and he's always taken time to answer my questions and be reassuring. He got me through two rounds of cervical displasia and ovarian cysts that hung around for 8 plus months. He's extremely well respected in the community. He's the OB that other doctors send their wives to.
The amount of time that Donna spent with me just blew me away though. I think she would be very supportive of an unmedicated birth which is what I would like to try. I think she would be willing to give me time to do my own thing and not be in a rush to medically interfere.
I think I'm going to switch my next regularly scheduled appointment to Donna. I'd like Chris to meet her too. Chris really liked my OB so we'll see how he feels about Donna. I'll probably go back and forth a little. But I think Donna maybe my main practioner. The office is connected to the hospital that I'll deliver at so both the OB and the CNM are close at hand. The only big difference is that the OB can do c-sections while the CNM can only do vaginal deliveries.
Wow. I'm actually thinking like this pregnancy is going to work out and we'll have a baby in October. Amazing.
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